13500kms of Canada(Day08)#195_ NB_HopewellRocksPrk "Flower~Pots24.11.2011© Hopewell Rocks - Tower RockTide coming in at Bay of Fundy in Hopewell Cape Provincial Park;Tide coming in at Bay of Fundy in Hopewell Cape Provincial Park;Hopewell Rocks from seaHopewell Rocks @ tide outHopewell Rocks - SerpentTide coming in at Bay of Fundy in Hopewell Cape Provincial Park;Hopewell RocksTide coming in at Bay of Fundy in Hopewell Cape Provincial Park;Hopewell RocksStairs to the Bay of Fundy at Hopewell Cape Provincial Park; CanTide coming in at Bay of Fundy in Hopewell Cape Provincial Park; |
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