Ошибка загрузки | Another volcano, part of the Aeolian Islands (also listed on the30.07.2011
© JoelleGiannoni # 55 - Better to leave... / (Sara meglio andar via...)STROMBOLI. Vista del mar a lalba a les illes Eolies.StrombolicchioEruption of Stromboli, Oct. 1998Almost Greek BeautyTramonto a StromboliStromboli Casa Koch PorchEstromboli (Sciara del Fuoco)STROMBOLI. Creuers de grans dimensions que sapropen a les costesunrise Italy, stromboli19-Stromboli, riflessiSciara del fuoco, Island of Stroboli, Aeolian Islands/ Italy, Ma |
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