Approx. 1965 - Shemya White Alice Communications System. 120-fo20.01.2008© Shemya Island of Alaskan Aleutian ChainPhase I - Shemya - 02-24-2012SHEMYA ISLAND-END to ENDRivet Ball (RC-135S) 13 JanuarCobra Ball launch from hangar - Dec 1972Shemya Island, AlaskaPhase I - Shemya - 02-24-2012Shemya Grave Site - www.lucaspaynephotography.com1964 - Shemya. VQ-1s ramp in front of hangar, looking north. AShemya Eagle Bra2003 - Shemya WW2 Hangar, looking south. VQ-1`s army/navy reconn2003 Shemya - North Beach. (WW2 fuel and ammo storage area.) |
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