Ошибка загрузки | CDR (We are a worthy and revolutionary cuban people)02.09.2007
![]() © Eric Ferrer Secadero de hoja de tabacoRestaurant in Vinales (messi10) La Revolucion – paroles in Vinales [180°] Vinales – campesino at work on the tobacco field (messi10) Vinales – unverifiziertes Gewachs und TabaktrocknungshThe "spirit" of CubaVinales Mojotes(messi10) Vinales – tobacco fields [90°] Vinales - Best Cuban Tabacco - Pinar del Rio - Cuba - By Chio.S(messi10) Vinales – oldtimer at the main street [260°] (messi10) Vinales – palms in front of the Mogotes [310°] (messi10) Vinales – en un garaje en el borde de la localidad [2 |
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