Resita is a town of about 80.000 people, which at first was an industrial town. one of its main centres of work-power still is the local factory.what is usually stand out for is the historical background, which stands out mainly due to the fact that the first steam engine in Romania was built here.[to be continued]
Type of service: national food of professional cockers, and vegetarian kitchen. Hotel serve for breakfast traditional food of mountain Rtanj. Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic organizes professional sport events: volleyball, basketball, mini football, and tennis. Also, hotel has special offer for organization of labor sport games for small, medium or big enterprise, organization of seminars or congress with professional service of language translators, using modern high information technology.In Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic you can come on family weekend or you can organize seminar or smaller congress. From the part of tourism offer of arrangement, Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic organize recreation course and daily picnic:Recreation activities:- Ascension on Rtanj pike,- Vintage of Rtanj tea,- Hunting on savage pig, pheasant, rabbit, and wolf,- Organization of sport events - tennis cup,- Biking, paraglidingDaily picnic to:- Minster Lozica [10km],- Minster Lapusnja [15km] or 40 min walking,- Minster Krepicevci [8km] or 30 min walking,- Church Sv. Ilije in Boljevac [7km].Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic becomes true tourism story. Rtanj is last mountain of Carpathians massive, and on the only 60 km beginning another biggest mounting massive in Europe, Stara planina [Balkan], which means that location of Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic is in the area of "Door of Balkan". Complex is located on the main road Paracin-Zajecar, 7km from Boljevac, 24km from Spa Sokobanja, 40 km from Zajecar, 40 km from Paracin and motorway, and 200 km from
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