Ошибка загрузки | Historical reconstruction-day of deliverance of Rostov on Don fr15.03.2009
![]() © Bulbas North cemetery - one from biggests cemetery in EuropeNorth cemetery - one of the biggest in EuropeNorth cemetery - one from biggests cemetery in EuropeNorth cemetery - one from biggests cemetery in EuropeEndless fieldsNorth cemetery - one from biggests cemetery in EuropeNorth cemetery - one of the biggest in EuropeNorth cemetery - one of the biggest in EuropeNorth cemetery - one of the biggest in EuropeNorth cemetery - one of the biggest in EuropeХрам Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы около кладбища. Ростов-на-ДонуNorth cemetery - one of the biggest in Europe |
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