Ошибка загрузки | Landscape of the Seven Rila Lakes / Пейзаж от седемте рилски езе25.06.2012![]() © * Rosi * View to the Lakes The Twin, The Trefoil, The Fish Lake & Fifth Lake Babreka (Kidney) of the Seven Rila Lakes - 2282 m / БThe Seven Lakes in Rila, The fish lake and the chalet SUNRISE from Seven Lakes, Rila Mountain, Bulgaria * Изгревът от the Rila LakesNearby tne The Fish Lake /Ribnoto ezero/ - 2184м alt. * View to five of the Seven Rila Lakes - 2625 m. / Панорама към пеFourth Lake Bliznaka (Gemini) of the Seven Rila Lakes - 2243 m /The Fish Lake /Ribnoto ezero/ - 2184м alt. and The Seven Rila Sixth Lake Okoto (Eye) of the Seven Rila Lakes - 2440 m / Окото Over the Seven Rila Lakes - 2625 m / Над седемте рилски езера / Rila, Bulgaria |
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