Military technologies of suppression. Global impact.To suppress a country with a developed economy, industry and military forces, there is not muchsuccessful scenarios.One of the options that OFLAMERON considered is using pre-local conflicts.An example scenario.On the border with a large country, a local armed conflict is created (provoked).Restrictions are introduced against a large country in several stages. The rate of influence of restrictions is chosen such thatso that the economy and industrial production are continuously simplified, losing technological capabilities.At the same time, the provision of food and civilian medical supplies remains at the same level.The armed conflict is slowly but continuously becoming more complicated, the "victim" of the conflict is supplied with more and more perfectarmament. Gradually, a threat is being created to the strategic forces of a major power, which is being suppressed.Here, the duration of the process and the smoothness of increasing the impact are of great importance.At some stage, a second and even a third conflict may arise on the border of the suppressed country, which couldbe previously "indefinitely" frozen. A major country may even have previously viewed their "frozen" status as beneficial.The suppressed country will be forced to use military and industrial resources in several conflicts.In this case, the population on both sides may become equal, which will further complicate the situation.In this case, the threat of influence or even influence on the strategic weapons of the suppressed side can become critical.First of all, these are strategic aviation, radar stations, surface fleet, submarines in placesbasing, means of launching observation satellites, means of production of strategic means.Protecting them will be extremely difficult. Air defense systems do not have 100% efficiency. And it will take just an incredible amount air defense means. Only aviation and navy can be relocated to other places.And this is only a partial and temporary measure.Erosion of strategic assets may develop slowly but continuously. Replenishing these funds is very difficult.At the same time, means of defeating the strategic forces of the suppressed side will be constantly tested in practice.And this is with ordinary LOCAL CONFLICTS.There are not many effective ways out of this situation. If we do not consider the global military conflict, thenmost advantageous for the suppressed party...
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