Віцебская вобласць. Фотографии на карте
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, 756 фотографий
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Беларусь: Витебск (Вiцебск): Железнодорожный район: ул.Ленинград
Saro lake view from Bieraova village
Saro lake near Bieraova
All Saints Ortodox Church in Biahoml
Mailboxes at the pine-tree in Prychaby
Prychaby village macadam road
Two draw-wells in Prychaby
Old cemetery in Prychaby
Drysa river near Prychaby
The foot-bridge over the Drysa river near Prychaby
Near the south west end of Jurjeva Hill in Viciebsk
деревня Городно
Городно озеро
Озеро-деревня Городно
Городно,моё любимое озеро!!
закат в деревне Городно.Зима
Красота,зима...деревня Городно
Waterfall / "Водопад" - разрушенная плотина на месте бывшей фабр
Serenity of summer evening. Charm in all...
The owner of bogs and the lord of frogs!
Вечерний пейзаж в Слободке
Sunset over Volobo lake
Bridge near Perevoz village
Hotel & filling station at 101 kilometer of M3 route near Biahom
Stauli village
Sunset above Biahoml lake
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
Catholic chapel at the former kerosene shop in Biahoml
Catholic chapel at the former kerosene shop in Biahoml
Catholic chapel at the former kerosene shop in Biahoml
Market-place in Biahoml
IL-14, the exhibit of Biahoml museum of regional
IL-14, the exhibit of Biahoml museum of regional
Biahoml museum of regional (former distillery)
Biahoml museum of regional (former distillery)
Building of former distillery in Biahoml
Buildings of former distillery in Biahoml
The Orthodox Cross & memorial to WW2 pilots in Biahoml
The Orthodox Cross & memorial to WW2 pilots in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church at Soviet street in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church & the shop in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
The cross near All Saints Orthodox Church & the sawdust tower in
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
Rusty cross laying near All Saints Ortodox Church in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml & the saw-mill building wi
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml
All Saints Orthodox Church in Biahoml. View througth the saw-mil
Biahoml lake, GSM towers & moon
Biahoml lake
Biahoml lake
East Entrance
д. Заборье с высоты
гора Любимая
На Рогнедином кургане
вблизи д.Бухово
Туристическая стоянка
д. ГорбачЕво
когда-то отсюда был виден бор , теперь все заросло ( с права дом
Без названия
копанки с карасями
Без названия
Без названия
Без названия
вид на макеевку с бличенского рога
рано утром
рано утром
береза у клуба
у клуба
крест в колхозном саду
у клуба
вид из клуба
Рыльчихин дом
все что осталось от дома Ховры
лапта и дом валентина
Nisha river
Без названия
озеро Городно
Мой домик
Без названия
Без названия
Без названия
Без названия
Без названия
Без названия
Без названия
Road near Lasasina village
Road near Lasasina village
Road to Marjanava village from Reki village
The bridge over Oa river near Reki village
The road fork near Reki village
Scarecrows in Marjanava village
Memorial to victims of fascists death-camp in Marjanava village
Chapel near the Memorial to victims of the fascists death-camp i
Chapel near the Memorial to victims of the fascists death-camp i
Chapel near the Memorial to victims of the fascists death-camp i
Marjanava village
Scarecrows in Marjanava village
Suchadroka river
The bridge over Suchadroka river
М3 route in Astrouna
М3 route in Astrouna
House at Maladzioznaja street in Astrouna
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Chapel at the shore of lake in Astrouna
The lake in Astrouna
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Astrouna (XVI ct.)
Мосар, памятник из крестов
Ушаческие Озёра
Jeziora Braslawskie 1
Jeziora Braslawskie 2
Jeziora Braslawskie 3
Туристическая стоянка вблизи д.Краснополье
Музей партизанского быта д.Ровное поле
Утро на оз.Нещердо
Вид с горы д.Локти
Крыница "Серебрянка"
Памятник Я.П.Кульневу 1812г.
Рыбаки оз.Волобо
Заказник "Синьша" Рогнедин курган
Заказник "Синьша", Узменский мост
"Попова гора" д.Заборье
оз. Нещердо
Клястицкая ГЭС д.Клястицы
Сульская усадьба "Кролова хата" д.Заборье
Village Furmany
The destroyed farm
Без названия
Viciebsk bus station at night
yrvonaarmiejskaja (Red Army) street in Biahom
The Board with inscription: Biahom, 1582
The House of culture at Savieckaja street in Biahom
The factory in Biahom
Курганы-пахаваннi каля вёскi Маставуха
Курганы-"валатоукi" каля возера Медзазол
The former storehouse of spirit, Begoml, Belarus
Ozero Chernoe.Shamansky bereg.
Ozero Chernoe.Bania
Ozero Chernoe.Sport-lager' PGU
Ozero Chernoe
Lake Imsharets
Lake Vilchinia
Rynkyany hill - 240 m
Заправка возле Гомеля
Sunset at the lake / Закат на озере
Sunset at the lake / Закат на озере
Без названия
Без названия
Curve of the river / Изгиб реки
Только →
Беларусь, Віцебская вобласць на карте мира
Минская область
Витебская область
Гомельская область
Гродненская область
Брестская область
Могилёвская область
Мінская вобласць
Віцебская вобласць
Гомельская вобласць
Брэсцкая вобласць
Магілёўская вобласць
Гродзенская вобласць
Mogilev Province
Vitebsk Region
Homiel Province
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