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Eugene Htz (Ukrainian: Yevhen Hudz; real name Eugene Nikolaev), born in Kiev, Ukraine,in 1972, now he is a musician and actor.He moved from Ukraine to Burlington, Vermont with his parents. Later, he moved to New York, where he now fronts and plays acoustic guitar for his gypsy-punk band Gogol Bordello. Htz also DJs regularly at Mehanata in New York City.
Gogol Bordello attracted the attention of the producer Peter Saraf; this led to Eugene's role as Alex in Everything Is Illuminated, based on the critically acclaimed novel of the same name by Jonathan Safran Foer; Htz also contributed to the soundtrack for Everything Is Illuminated along with his brother and several of his band members. Several Gogol Bordello songs are used in the film Wristcutters - A Love Story (2004), based on the short story and graphic novel Kneller's Happy Campers by Etgar Keret (in the original story, a rockstar suicide is featured, but in the film, the character's name is change to Eugene and it is this character's music that features Eugene Hutz's compositions.Wristcutters - A Love Story Htz's filmography also includes Kill Your Darlings (2004), and Kill Your Idols (2004).
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