Rare cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus - Ostruzinik moruska) in the31.07.2012
© Без названияTrail across the swamp to the lake IlmakkijarviSuomi - Finlandia. Petkula peatbog - torfowisko Petkula.Lappi Finnland E75 Richtung SudenTrail across the swamp near lake Ilmakkijarvi - back to PetkulaRare cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus - Ostruzinik moruska) in the Swamp Petkula at the lake IlmakkijarviDeadwood in the swamp Petkula near lake IlmakkijarviБез названияSwamp Petkula and lake IlmakkijarviFlower in the swamp Petkula near lake IlmakkijarviGiant anthill in the swamp Petkula near lake Ilmakkijarvi |
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