Ошибка загрузки | Soviet mosaic panel at the wall of building #7 on Kalininskaya s24.09.2012![]() © IPAAT Без названияDetail of exposition of the famous Soviet biologist Alexey KurenArsenyev town museum of local lorePortrait of the famous Soviet biologist Alexey Kurentsov at ArseSoviet mosaic panel at the wall of building #7 on Kalininskaya sYury Solomin as Russian explorer of the Far East Vladimir ArsenyArchaeological exhibition at Arsenyev town museum of local loreDetail of exposition of the famous Soviet biologist Alexey KurenExposure of Ukrainian immigrants to the Far East at Arsenyev towDetail of exposition of the famous Soviet biologist Alexey Kuren2005 Новый годSoviet mosaic panel at the wall of building #9 on Kalininskaya s |
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